Hello parents, welcome to Highlands Intermediate. The subpages below contain important information regarding both school and DOE policies. If you have any questions please contact the front office or use the Contact Us form. Thank you.
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Early Release
If you are requesting to have your child leave campus early, please send a note to the front office on the morning of the release. Include the following information:
The child's legal first and last name.
The date and time he/she will be leaving.
Name and relationship of the person the child will be leaving with.
Parent/Guardian's name and phone number for verification.
Reason for early release.
Have your child bring the note to the office before school starts. Your child will be given a pass stating the time he/she should report to the office. If you are picking up your child due to an emergency, please be aware that delays may occur due to the verification of guardianship and/or locating your child. The person picking up the child must come in to the office to sign the child out. You will be required to show a photo ID. The person picking up the child must be listed on the student's emergency card. If they are not, verification will be made before the child is released.
Showing up to the office to pick up a child without first notifying us (via note or phone call) will cause a delay in finding the student, especially during recess, lunch, or activities/assemblies.
Drop Off Items
Please do not drop off items to your child in the middle of the school day. Students should bring their home lunch, forms, projects, etc. with them when they come to school. If items are dropped off, we will call students to pick up during recess, lunch of after school only.
If you child is going on a trip (during the school year), please send a letter to the Principal at least two weeks prior to their leaving. Family trips are considered unexcused absences.
If your child becomes sick during the school day, they should go to the Health Room. The Health Aide will contact the parent/guardian. Students should not be calling or texting parents individually. Use of cell phone during the school day is not allowed.
Sexual Health Education
Attention parents, in accordance with the Department of Education Policy 103-5, Sexual Health Education, all schools must provide a description of the sexual health curriculum used by the school. A student shall be excused from sexual health instruction only upon the prior written request of the student's parent or legal guardian. A student may not be subject to disciplinary action, academic penalty or other sanctions if the student's parent or legal guardian makes such a written request.